Tuesday 17 April 2007

First post (and first cold of the year!)

Well, here I am starting a blog. Goodness knows why, as in a couple of months I probably won't have time to ever update it. It might help to keep me occupied until I start my job though, which I suppose is a good thing.

I am at this moment suffering with a cold. A very unseasonal cold, at that. I have no idea where I picked it up from either. I've been sat here in our flat all day snuffling and pushing rolled up bits of tissue up my nostrils just to try and stem the flow. I think I have it under control. My head feels like it really could explode, my glands are swollen, and I look shocking. I feel bad for Tom having to come home to me today, I can tell you.

Anyway, things to look forward to are:

– Tom's mum and dad coming to visit on Friday. Hopefully I'll be better for that
– my cheque from AB coming through (did lots of work this month so it'll be a gooden!)
– Kate Moss' Topshop collection coming out (1 May, at 4:30am... I'll be there, mouse poised...)
– this is a little way off, but my mummy and daddy coming to Oxford to see us on 8 May, their 25th Anniversary!

Speaking of Kate Moss's collection for Topshop, there are so many things I absolutely must have... mainly the little striped blazer, floral dress and midnight blue cutout neck detail mini shift dress. Think I'm just going to pile as much stuff as possible into my shopping bag (online, you know) and then decide later what I actually want. Just a thought...

Ta ra for now. What a truly monotonous first post. I would promise they'll get better, but I can't guarantee it.


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